Akeilah George
Student Staff: Civic Engagement Assistant

Pronouns: She/They
Hi! I am a senior here at MBU, majoring in English with minors in creative writing and studio art. I have always been passionate about literature, art, and observing the self-expression and perspective of others. My role as the assistant of Civic Engagement has allowed me to combine my love for writing and art in a way that allows me to make a positive impact in the community. Through planning and hosting various projects and events at the Spencer Center, I have been able to engage with people of varying backgrounds who share their stories through words, visual art, and other forms of creative expression.
Sophie Wilkins
Student Staff: Global Engagement Assistant

Kelsey Bantel
Student Staff: International Student Services

Hello, I am a senior majoring in International Affairs with minors in Francophone Studies and History. I was born and raised in the small town of West Point, Virginia. Coming from such a small town, I didn’t have many opportunities to interact with other cultures. However, I was lucky enough to be given chances to study abroad with our partner schools in South Korea, Sungshin Women’s University and Oxford University. During my time abroad, I learned so much and had an overall wonderful time. In my job as an International Student Assistant, I hope to create those same experience for students studying abroad at Mary Baldwin.
Amaya Warner
Student Staff: McCree Center for Life Success

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hello my name is Amaya Warner and I am a sophomore who is Majoring in Psychology with an emphasis of Neuroscience. My hobbies are playing video games and listening to music, and I am a retired competition cheerleader! After college, I want to go to medical school to (preferably John Hopkins) to become a Neurologist who studies Alzheimer’s and dementia diseases.
Em Yuhasz
Student Staff: McCree Center for Life Success

Pronouns: They/Them
Hello! My name is Em Yuhasz. I am a sophomore majoring in Environmental Biology and minoring in Chemistry. I am an artist who specializes in photography, embroidery, and oil pastels. I love Bob’s Burgers and other cartoons. I am a big reader, and I love finding new books. I am an introverted person who loves alone time, but I also love being in leadership positions and connecting with others on and off of campus. I can’t wait to meet you!
Azjanea Howard
Student Staff: McCree Center for Life Success

Mary Cheatham
Student Staff: McCree Center for Life Success

Mary Cheatham (She/Her) is a graduating senior at Mary Baldwin studying History and Asian Studies. She is interested in Chinese, South-East Asian, and Military history. Her favorite part of her time at Mary Baldwin was getting to do a semester abroad in Singapore through the Spencer Center. Outside of her academic pursuits she enjoys cafe hopping and drag.